Psychic Teaching Modules
Teaching Modules to develop your Psychic Abilities - all can be booked here.
I have created a series of modules to open and develop psychic abilities.
These modules are ideal for people who are beginning their psychic journey and want to develop their psychic ability.
These modules are also ideal for those who have the gift but need better direction to use it confidently.
Why do I teach one-to-one?
Everyone is vibrating at a different rate, individual tuition helps you develop at your own pace.
You get my undivided attention and you can really open up in a safe, private space.
I use my energy to raise and develop yours. I am scanning your energy field throughout the session.
This is psychic work and needs to be carried out with a certain level of concentration and ceremony.
Who will be suitable for this work?
*Do you have a good intuition, gut feeling or inner knowing and want to know how to really trust this inner voice?
*Do you want to be able to connect with a higher divine power for insights?
*Do you want to have effective control over your existing psychic gift?
*Are you just curious to see if you really can be a psychic and want to learn how?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, these modules are perfect for you.
Everyone has a natural psychic ability, I help you develop and use yours efficiently.
What will you achieve?
I will guide you on how to use Magick in your daily life & become an efficient Magi.
Magick means, using one's will and ritual to create a change in the energy that surrounds them.
Practicing personal energy Magick, makes you the best version of yourself and this impacts on everything around
you in such a positive way.
I will teach you how to quieten down the left brain and switch to the right brain.
This is where we access our Psychic Gifts.
When you work with a Psychic teacher it expands your gift.
I expand my energy field in order to stretch and develop yours.
I create a strong channel for you to connect to your guides with greater ease.
What took me years of learning, trial and error.
I have condensed into easy-to-absorb modules.
You are being fast-tracked with all the right foundational skills to jump into your own unique psychic journey.
These modules are a launch pad to greater self-awareness.
You will leave with positive skills to manage and maintain your energy and to develop your psychic skills.
You will be able to read other people and situations and trust your judgment.
Learning how to develop your psychic gift is truly a golden key to a new world.
I can also tailor these sessions for clients who have previous experience and want to expand their gift under guidance.
All levels can be catered for.
Please contact me to discuss any questions you may have.
Part 1, of Module 1 Grounding & Protection has to be completed before any other modules can be taken.
All lessons are backed up with a pdf and a recording.
In each session -
We will cover the subject in an easy-to-digest fashion.
So much esoteric teaching is unnecessarily over-complicated.
I like to simplify as it really sinks in faster.
We will carry out a series of exercises to develop your psychic muscle.I will give you rituals to practice at home.
These keep alive what you learn in our sessions and strengthen your ability.
Each session will include a different Shamanic drum journey to connect with your Spirit Team, for guidance and healing.
This is powerful work.
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Please note this booking is for the first session only. Message me to discuss before booking.
2 hr
540 British pounds 2 hr
185 British pounds2 hr
185 British pounds- Read More
Know how to work with Chakras and Clair senses to connect to Spirit and manage your energetic Self.
2 hr
185 British pounds 2 hr
185 British pounds2 hr
185 British pounds2 hr
185 British pounds